VlcVideo Class Reference

Video controls. More...

#include <vlc-qt/Video.h>

Public Member Functions

 VlcVideo (VlcMediaPlayer *player)
 VlcVideo constructor. More...
 ~VlcVideo ()
 VlcVideo destructor.
Vlc::Ratio aspectRatio () const
 Get current video aspect ratio. More...
Vlc::Ratio cropGeometry () const
 Get current crop filter geometry. More...
void hideLogo ()
 Hide logo.
void hideMarquee ()
 Hide marquee.
Vlc::Scale scale () const
 Get current scale ratio. More...
void setAspectRatio (const Vlc::Ratio &ratio)
 Set new video aspect ratio. More...
void setCropGeometry (const Vlc::Ratio &ratio)
 Set new crop filter geometry. More...
void setDeinterlace (const Vlc::Deinterlacing &filter)
 Enable or disable deinterlace filter. More...
void setScale (const Vlc::Scale &scale)
 Set new scale ratio. More...
void setSubtitle (int subtitle)
 Set current video subtitle. More...
void setSubtitleFile (const QString &subtitle)
 Set new video subtitle file. More...
void setTeletextPage (int page)
 Set new teletext page to retrieve. More...
void setTrack (int track)
 Set current video track. More...
void showLogo (const QString &file, int x, int y, int opacity=255)
 Show logo. More...
void showMarquee (const QString &text, int x, int y, int timeout=0, int opacity=255, int size=-1, int color=0xFFFFFF, int refresh=0)
 Show logo. More...
QSize size () const
 Get current video size. (currently primary only) More...
int subtitle () const
 Get current video subtitle. More...
int subtitleCount () const
 Get number of available video subtitles. More...
QStringList subtitleDescription () const
 Get the descriptions of available video subtitles. More...
QList< int > subtitleIds () const
 Get the ids of available video subtitles. More...
bool takeSnapshot (const QString &path) const
 Take a snapshot of current video (currently primary only) More...
int teletextPage () const
 Get current teletext page requested. More...
void toggleTeletextTransparency ()
 Toggle teletext transparent status on video output.
int track () const
 Get current video track. More...
int trackCount () const
 Get number of available video tracks. More...
QStringList trackDescription () const
 Get the description of available video tracks. More...
QList< int > trackIds () const
 Get the ids of available video tracks. More...

Detailed Description

A group of video controls functions.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VlcVideo::VlcVideo ( VlcMediaPlayer player)

This constructor creates a new video manager.

playermedia player (VlcMediaPlayer *)

Member Function Documentation

Vlc::Ratio VlcVideo::aspectRatio ( ) const
current video aspect-ratio or NULL if not specified (const Vlc::Ratio)
Vlc::Ratio VlcVideo::cropGeometry ( ) const
current crop filter geometry or NULL if not specified (const Vlc::Ratio)
Vlc::Scale VlcVideo::scale ( ) const
current scale ratio or NULL if not specified (const Vlc::Scale)
void VlcVideo::setAspectRatio ( const Vlc::Ratio ratio)
rationew video aspect-ratio or NULL to reset to default (Vlc::Ratio)
void VlcVideo::setCropGeometry ( const Vlc::Ratio ratio)
rationew crop filter geometry or NULL to reset to default (Vlc::Ratio)
void VlcVideo::setDeinterlace ( const Vlc::Deinterlacing filter)
filtertype of deinterlace filter or NULL to reset to default (Vlc::Deinterlacing)
void VlcVideo::setScale ( const Vlc::Scale scale)
scalescale ratio or NULL to reset to default (Vlc::Scale)
void VlcVideo::setSubtitle ( int  subtitle)
subtitlenew video subtitle (int)
void VlcVideo::setSubtitleFile ( const QString &  subtitle)
subtitlenew video subtitle file (QString)
void VlcVideo::setTeletextPage ( int  page)
pagenew teletext page number (int)
void VlcVideo::setTrack ( int  track)
tracknew video track (int)
void VlcVideo::showLogo ( const QString &  file,
int  x,
int  y,
int  opacity = 255 
filelogo file (QString)
xx-coordinate (int)
yy-coordinate (int)
opacitylogo opacity (int)
void VlcVideo::showMarquee ( const QString &  text,
int  x,
int  y,
int  timeout = 0,
int  opacity = 255,
int  size = -1,
int  color = 0xFFFFFF,
int  refresh = 0 
filelogo file (QString)
xx-coordinate (int)
yy-coordinate (int)
opacitylogo opacity (int)
refreshrate (int)
QSize VlcVideo::size ( ) const
size of the video (QSize)
int VlcVideo::subtitle ( ) const
the number of current video subtitle, or -1 if none (const int)
int VlcVideo::subtitleCount ( ) const
the number of available video subtitles, or -1 if unavailable (const int)
QStringList VlcVideo::subtitleDescription ( ) const
list with descriptions of available video subtitles (const QStringList)
QList< int > VlcVideo::subtitleIds ( ) const
list with ids of available video subtitles (const QList<int>)
bool VlcVideo::takeSnapshot ( const QString &  path) const
pathoutput path (QString)
true if successfull (bool)
int VlcVideo::teletextPage ( ) const
current teletext page number (int)
int VlcVideo::track ( ) const
the number of current video track, or -1 if none (const int)
int VlcVideo::trackCount ( ) const
the number of available video tracks, or -1 if unavailable (const int)
QStringList VlcVideo::trackDescription ( ) const
list with description of available video tracks (const QStringList)
QList< int > VlcVideo::trackIds ( ) const
list with ids of available video tracks (const QList<int>)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: