VLC-Qt Library

VLC-Qt 1.1 Qt/VLC versions deprecation warning

Since 1.1 release, support for some older Qt and VLC versions will be removed or deprecated:

  • Qt 4 support will be deprecated and removed in 2.0
  • Qt 5 lower than 5.5 will be deprecated and removed in 2.0
  • libVLC 2.1 will be required

Binaries and source code

You can download VLC-Qt binaries and sources from the official web page or GitHub releases.

Latest source is also available via Git:

1 git clone git://github.com/vlc-qt/vlc-qt.git
2 git submodule init
3 git submodule update

Master branch is considered stable and working on all supported platforms. All development is made in branches. You can also find specific releases by browsing tags.

Examples and guides

VLC-Qt examples are now located in the examples repository.

All discussions that are not bug related can be made here. This is also a place where you can publish your guides.

Building and requirements

See How to build VLC-Qt.


There are several ways to contribute to VLC-Qt:

  • Report a bug
  • Propose a new feature
  • Submit a pull-request
  • Write a guide

For more information, see How to contribute to VLC-Qt.

Copyright info

Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Tadej Novak

VLC-Qt is free (libre) software. This means that the library source code is available to public, anyone is welcome to research how the application works, participate in its development, freely distribute the application and spread the word!

This project may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.md.